Evidence Intro

This won’t make sense

As I sit and write this, I want to start by saying, this blog series and the evidence we are going to look at will not make sense to everyone. Evidence is something that we all long for, the proof and assurance that something is true or valid. However, when you are in relationship with God, your definition of evidence changes. 

Evidence is the things we see yes, but the true evidence and revelation come when we have a relationship with God. What a believer sees as evidence is not always going to be able to be seen or understood from the viewpoint of a non-believer. This isn’t said as a dig or insult, but as an explanation. 

We will see evidence, others will say coincidence

We will see plans, others will see happenstance

We will see love, others will see discipline

When we start living this life not just for ourselves, and when we start to see the world through the eyes of Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit things look different. 

Let’s dive into testimonies, stories, and lessons about the Evidence that God is at work.


Everyday Miracles


Evidence - Faith