How to not let fear make decisions

As I look back on this past year, I like to get reflective during December, I have had a lot of fun experiences and also some of the hardest ones. However, every time I think back on all that this past year has held, it looks something like this.

  1. Started my own business

  2. Moved out of my parent's house

  3. Lived in an apartment

  4. Got engaged

  5. Planned a wedding

  6. Got married

  7. Became a daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt

To say that a lot has happened in the past year is an understatement, but when I look back on this list, which is just the highlight reel, I think of how many of those things, I didn’t have to do.

I didn’t have to do any of them, not really.

I didn’t have to start my own business, move out, live in an apartment, get engaged, plan a bomb wedding, or get married which would effectively take away my new titles.

NONE of those were forced on or required of me, but in every one of those, I felt the Lord calling me to them, being present with me in transitions and He came through every time. It doesn’t mean I wasn’t scared, I was, but I didn’t let fear make the decision for me.

Jess Connolly, who if you stick around will quickly find out she is one of my favorite authors, puts it this way: “the time antidote to fear is actually just making courageous and faithful moves.”

We have to move if we are to stomp out fear. We have to go on the offensive. We have to decide (and recognize) that we are afraid, we don’t shove that emotion aside or bury it. We recognize it, acknowledge it, and decide to act anyway. 

There is something coming for my business in the next couple of weeks that is going to shift things for me both personally and business-wise, but you know what, I couldn’t be more safe and steady. 

I have God with me in it and I would rather look back and think “I did it scared and look how God used my being faithful even when it would have been easier to not.”

I am going to choose faith over fear, and choose to be faithful in the steps laid before me. 

Many announcements are coming this month, and I want you to be along for the journey because I hope it inspires you to be courageous with me. 

You already have what it takes to step into God’s calling on your life if you are in a relationship with Him, the Holy Spirit.

What if 2022 was the year fear didn’t make decisions for you? 

What if 2022 was the year that you took BIG steps of faith?

What if at the end of 2022, you could say: “I did it scare and look how God used my faithfulness?”

What do you say? Want to choose to see fear and choose courageous steps anyway?

Let’s do it together, starting 2022, and maybe a bit before, you will be seeing more from me, more encouragement, more resources, and a weekly email, if you are subscribed.

Make sure you are in a community with people who believe in you and what God can do with your faithfulness!


How to be present in a conversation