Sabbath Habits - 3 Hour Resets
Why do we need sabbath resets?
Aren’t we just supposed to push through and keep going? Aren’t we supposed to buckle down and do the hard work and hustle?
While there are times to keep pushing and growing and work hard at life, oftentimes life pushes right back.
This is why, a new element to my personal Sabbath Habits I have set up have include a 3-hour block of time where I take the morning off and rest. I don’t schedule meetings during that time and I treat it just as if it were a Sabbath the whole day.
You may be wondering, how much of a difference can three hours a week make.
A Lot.
Knowing that I will have a break can keep me going when I am tired. In addition, there is so much freedom in knowing that I have this “Reset” in my week. I know that on Wednesday mornings, I can sleep in if I need to make up the time. OR I know I can read, watch a movie, go to a coffee shop and read my bible and journal, I can paint or go for a run. Whatever, the Lord has in store for me on that particular Sabbath Reset day, I am ready.
BUT, I am ready because I have scheduled it. I am ready because I have marked it down in my planner and guard like I do any other appointment time. I don’t easily rearrange my schedule to allow for interruptions during this time, because I know that for me to meet with God or rest in Him, is widely important!
While you may not be able to find a 3 hour time block (that should be a red-flag to your schedule), find an 2 or an hour and half. Start building these “Resets” into your weekly routine.
You will soon find that not only are they wonderful in and of themselves, but they continue to sustain you throughout the week.
“Sabbath Resets” are not a biblical practice, but I have found them helpful in keeping my heart postured toward a Sabbath lifestyle.
I don’t want to merely check off the box marked Sabbath every week, but I want my heart to yearn and desire this lifestyle and heart posture so much that if I don’t have a Sabbath, my heart and soul recognize it and realign me as fast as possible back to that habit.
This is the part of the verse: “remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy” (exodus 20:8)
I want to remember the Sabbath, and desire it and long for it. In addition, I want to keep it Holy, and Holy by God’s definition, not my own.
Sabbath resets have helped me and I hope they help you, let me know in the comments if you notice a difference!