Fight Of Our Minds Part 4 (Bring Others In)

To stomp on fear is to bring others in.

Too often in our society, we have a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality.

We think that if we encounter a problem, we have to be able to fix it without needing help from anyone else.

Oh, how wrong of a mindset and heart set is this!

For years, I think we as a culture (western) have lived and believed that in order for someone to be successful, they have to do it alone. As if in some capacity that if a person does need help with something that somehow takes away a piece of their success.

However, I don’t think so at all. 

There is power in vulnerability.

The enemy will try to convince you that you are safer to not let go and to hold everything in and not let anyone see what is really going on in your head.

This is just a straight lie from the pit of hell. 

“Everything exposed by the light becomes visible -

and everything that is illuminated becomes a light”

(Ephesians 5:13)

We have to be exposed, we have to be willing to share the nitty gritty not just of our actions, but of our minds as well. 

This is where it is important to point out that “being an open book” is not the same as being  “vulnerable”

Being vulnerable is finishing the sentence out.

For example, have you ever shared about a difficult time and silently pat yourself on the back, but really know that you haven’t exposed the whole truth?

Yeah, hello, hi that’s me all the time!

It is the second sentence of sharing that makes us vulnerable. It is the explanation of why we made the choices we did and how we feel about what is going on. 

Bring others in.

We can’t always stomp on fear and anxiety alone.

Bring others in.

We can’t always see the truth because we have become desensitized to it.

Bring others in.

We can’t always stop the spiral of doubt and lies in our heads.

Bring others in.


Fight of Our Minds Part 3