Social Distancing NOT Soul Distancing

Today is March 27th, 2020. 

We, the world, are in the middle of the COVID-19 epidemic. The United States is basically on a “home order” which means that we are not leaving our houses other than to get groceries or go for a walk or something outside. When we are outside or in the grocery store we must stay a minimum of 6 ft away from each other in order to prevent the possible spreading of COVID-19.

As we have been told to keep our distance,

I have craved hugs from my people. 

I have desired to sit in a coffee shop and support all the local ones I care so much about! 

I have craved sitting in my friend’s houses, laughing as we play cards. 

I have craved sitting on the floor with my friends talking about life.

I have craved laughing till my sides hurt because of spontaneous moments that happen in life.

I have sat at my desk and worked 9-10 hour days this past week and I am so grateful to continue to be able to work. I count it an amazing blessing to be able to minister to people throughout this time.

In fact, I would say that while myself, my body and heart have been hurting and crave the end of social distancing, my soul has not experienced it.

Soul distancing is so easy to do. Today, right now, it is easy to check out. To check out of the church, to check out of community, to check out of friendships.

However, because of the amazing people, I have in my life I have seen them rally together. My small group is a place of sharing how God is growing each one of us and it is such a sweet time. We even get together over zoom just to chat about life. People are setting up Facetime conversations as if we were able to “grab coffee”. My people are my family and I love them dearly. 

I am so thankful that even though we may have to socially distance ourselves, we don’t have to soul distance ourselves. My soul is mine, but it is intertwined with my brothers and sisters in Christ and those who are not yet a part of the family. I feel as though I finally understand the longing that Paul had when he wrote the church in Philippi “God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus”. (1:8)

I long to be physically reunited with my people, my family, my tribe, but until then I will keep my social distance, but don’t think for a second that my soul will be distanced. 


Business Is A State Of Mind