Hey there,

My name is Jessica, but you can call me Jess!

I am a coach, author, speaker, and follower of Christ who loves coffee, conversations, and making sure that everyone feels heard and understood with every conversation they have.

I help women have happier relationships through better communication

If you have ever said:

“I can’t believe I am here”

“Why is this so hard?”

“What if my relationship doesn’t survive this?”

You are not alone. I have been there and want to make sure you had what I didn’t in those seasons: tools and confidence to say what needs to be said without regret and hurting the relationship more

Relationships that were filled with laughter

Your memories are safe from regret and tense moments

What would your life look like if you had….

You are closer at the end of each conversation

Work with me and we will, together - you won’t have to do it alone - and we will see the lightbulbs come on!

  • Patient Listener

    “Listens carefully and work to understand what the other is really saying and needing. You don’t assume before having all the facts”

  • Research Based

    “Continues to learn and research new trends and biological information regarding teens, development and also communication dynamics for all ages”

  • Care

    Her goal is to make people’s lives better and their relationships healthy. It is not about her or money. You honor the way God made people while also encouraging them to grow and pursue more so they can be all God wants them to be.

  • Authentic. Resilient. Relational

    Because of your passionate authenticity, she cares more about others than her own limits. So if there is a roadblock or something she doesn’t know, nothing stops her from being willing to admit it and then chase after the answer. She doesn’t let what she needs to research limit her and get in the way of meeting people where they are at.

Want to work with me?

I have a few DISCOUNTED spaces opening for you to get coaching for the next 3 months (June, July, August) starting June 5th!

I want to help and I want you to know how much I believe in you and want you to see life change!

I only have 5 spots, so make sure you go to the form below and fill it out!